
Launch A Product

Launch your product with our full-service design and development option, efficiently transforming your idea into a market-ready solution.

Building software products in the energy industry is risky.

So many seemingly obvious ideas struggle to get past the Pilot stage due to technical, regulatory, or organizational surprise

Common energy software building risks

  • Lack of problem & solution clarity means building the wrong thing for the wrong people.

  • Misaligned goals & expectations across stakeholders means messy products and missed targets.

  • Committing to building something without derisking major potential technical hurdles mean budget and timelines slips.

From Ideation to Live Product Delivery

A project cadence that works for all stakeholders

Phase One


We dedicate time to deeply researching stakeholder and user needs to ensure our solutions are perfectly designed. We allocate a third of our schedule to the Design phase, which consists of market research, product definition, and UI/UX design. Good design is essential for success; without it, we risk building the wrong solution - whether it's in user experience, database schemas, or even operational frameworks.

Image of a person sketching designs on paper
Image of a person coding on a computer

Phase Two


The Development Phase is when our engineering team goes into deep focus to translate designs into a functioning product that is 90% complete, so that stakeholders can start providing feedback as soon as possible.

Other teams wait until a product is pixel perfect before sharing with stakeholders. We believe that's too late. It is often more valuable to user test a near-final product than it is to wait until it's pixel-perfect. Our approach is key to ensuring our ability to meet our partner budget, scope, and timeline expectations.

Phase Three


Delivery doesn't just happen in a split second when a developer presses a LAUNCH button. All too often clients change copy, designers tweak views, PMs add features, and developers optimize code. Ignoring that Delivery is a phase and not a singular moment in time is why so many deadlines are missed.

To launch the best products we can, we give Delivery a full third of our time. By giving it the space it deserves, we test the final product on real users and make the high-value modifications that only become obvious when a product is live.

Schedule a chat with us and we'll share other ways we ensure top notch delivery.

Image of a person looking at a computer

How Long Does This Initiative Typically Take?

Clarity in Scope and Timeline

Ensure your projects are viable and stay on track with clear timelines and defined scopes. We prioritize transparency from start to finish - here's what to expect:

3 to 6 Months

Time To Launch

Live Product

Final Output

Iterate & Scale

In Subsequent Phases


Frequently asked questions from past clients

Image of Earth illuminated by light

“Bellawatt has been an excellent energy software partner- they took our need to connect devices all over our service territory and boiled it down into easy-to-use, efficient, and streamlined software that helped make our project a reality.”

— Brian Callnan

VP Power Resources & Access, NHEC